Contact Us
For general questions (non-website related):
Phone: 972-557-7747
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm / Sat 10am-8pm / Closed Sunday
Fax: 972-557-2552
For Internet and Websales:
Greg Reid
Phone: 972-897-3109 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm - online sales only)
The Saleplace / Monster Spirit
3641 Shepherd Lane
Balch Springs, Texas, 75180
Store Manager: Jody Wadsorth
Store Director / Store Owner: Teresa Hobbs
Online Sales / Store Owner: Greg Reid
I-635 (LBJ Frwy) at the Elam Rd exit (#1b) just south of Mesquite in Balch Springs (South East of Dallas, TX).
Landmark: Behind KFC in Balch Springs Plaza
Address: 3641 Shepherd Ln Balch Springs, TX 75180
Phone: 972-557-7747
Size: 20,000 sq. ft.
Driving Directions: Saleplace is located in Balch Springs, Texas just south of Mesquite (east of Dallas) on Shepherd Lane. Take I-635 to the Elam Rd exit (# 1b) and go east. We are located on the Northeast corner of Elam Rd and I-635 (behind the KFC) in Balch Springs Plaza. We are approximately 20 minutes from Downtown Dallas.
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